Hysterical Materialism

Xavier Velasco


What came first: dollars or desire? According to traditional tales, unmitigated ambition has a high price. Experience, however, tells us that it also leads to high performance. With no hint of guilt, scruples or shame, the characters of Hysterical Materialism luxuriate in the power of avarice, often harbouring a ravenous hunger for revenge.

Credit outlaws, robotic scammers, creative fraudsters, girls whose main attraction lies in their price, playboys whose demand depends upon the supply, ardent pacifists, Beatlephile dictators, Bolshevik trees and fundamentalist turkeys: these are the fauna of a book whose chapters - twisted fables, parables with teeth - systematically break down our incredulity with a language on steroids dripping with sarcasm that both pains and gratifies the reader: this is dyed in the wool black humour from the author of Guardian Devil.

"Hysterical Materialism offers us a reflection of our society

in a twisted mirror: we should look for its influences in the Archpriest of Hita,

Quevedo, Valle-Inclán and Gomez de la Serna, adding some touches

of black humour that border on the surreal."

Joaquín Marco, EL CULTURAL

PUBLISHED BY: Spanish Worldwide PRH / OCEANO

Other titles from Xavier Velasco:

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