Spain in the Diaries of My Old Age

Ernesto Sabato


A trip to Spain in early 2002, while Argentina was in the throes of one of the worst political and economic crises in its history, was the spur for Ernesto Sabato’s new book.True to his obsessions, he has produced a text of great moral dignity, and reflects constantly on such timeless and contemporary themes as globalization, injustice, marginalization and old age. The book is laced with incisive yet affectionate comparisons between Argentina and Spain.

"Spain in the Diaries of My Old Age is a document of grat dignity

and a supremely artistic literary text. It sheds a singula light

on a world in decomposition. Its marriage of rounded expression,

emotional force and ethical clear-sightedness makes it

a testimony of extraordinary intellectual value."

Pere Gimferrer

PUBLISHED BY: Spanish worldwide SEIX BARRAL | Arabic JADAL | USA audiobook RECORDED BOOKS 

Other titles from Ernesto Sabato:

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