Inventary Two

Mario Benedetti

POETRY, 1993

This first edition of Inventary Two includes all the poems that I published in book form between 1986 and 1991: Preguntas al azar (1986), Yesterday y mañana (1988), Despistes y franquezas (1990) and Las soledades de Babel (1991). In both volumes, some poems that were later transformed into songs, appear in their two texts - poem and song -, each of them included in the corresponding place and time. The volume opens with the most recent production and concludes with the oldest, perhaps with the secret hope that the reader, by accessing this work through the newest and closest door, will then be tempted to open other doors.

PUBLISHED BY: Argentina, Chile and Uruguay PLANETA | Rest of Latin America and USA (Spanish) ALFAGUARA | Spain VISOR

Other titles from Mario Benedetti:

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