Portraits of a city through endearing characters. From an intimate and at the same time universal perspective, Mario Benedetti portrays a city, the Uruguayan capital, through endearing...
“La Puna,” says Tizón, “isn’t just a hot and cold lunar desert, it’s an experience: it conveys intense sensations of silence, solitude and neglect....
Ernesto Sabato Essential is an anthology edited by Ernesto Sabato himself in 1989 for Seix Barral containing what he considered to be the "best" of his work. The volume is now being...
NOVEL, 1996
What is left of the country of one's memory upon their return from a lengthy exile? Scaffolding tells the tale of the experiences and missteps of Javier Montes who returns to Montevideo after...
POETRY. 1995
“Love is one of the defining elements of life. Whether it is brief or lasting, spontaneous or carefully constructed it is the epitome of human relationships.” MARIO BENEDETTI...
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