Daniel Balmaceda


A journalist whose work in newspapers, magazines, radio and television is well known, Daniel Balmaceda, in addition to being interested in the present, is also a passionate student of the past, recovering bygone scenes and anecdotes and narrating them with ingenuity and truthfulness.The titles, and especially the subtitles, of his work clearly demonstrate his ironic style, one which the reader can easily relate to: Espadas y corazones. Pequeñas delicias de héroes y villanos de la historia argentina (Swords and Hearts. Small Delights of Heroes and Villains in Argentinean History) and Oro y espadasDesde que Pedro de Mendoza se instaló en Buenos Aires por culpa de un loco hasta cinco minutos antes de mayo de 1810 (Gold and Swords: From the time when Pedro de Mendoza settled in Buenos Aires because of a madman to five minutes before May 1810) are eloquent examples of the rigor and sense of humor of an author who is not only a permanent lifetime member of the Argentinean Society of Historians and president of the Christopher Columbus Foundation but also a master narrator and wise interpreter of the most glorious and mysterious pages of history.

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By Daniel Balmaceda

Provença 293, 4-1 - 08037 · Barcelona +34 93 832 70 88 · · Member of ADAL