Springtime in a Broken Mirror

Mario Benedetti


Spring in a Broken Mirror is a direct, painful account of a divided society, one fractured by repression and authoritarianism, and tries to build a bridge between two regions – Uruguay under the dictatorship and Uruguay in exile – which constitute a single, scarred country. 

The novel focuses on the profound effects these political events can have on human relationships and individuals. Like the rest of his work, in this book, Mario Benedetti combines tenderness, rage, passion, love and history to convey a message of hope: the spring, although mutilated, will finally come to relieve a winter that had seemed unending. 

A rich, heartbreaking novel. Benedetti's tender yet unflinching portrait of a family in the
crushing straits of history.


Equal parts funny and tragic [...] a wise, lonely novel about political exile.




PUBLISHED BY: Argentina, Chile and Uruguay (Spanish) PLANETA | Spain, rest of Latin America and USA (Spanish) ALFAGUARA | Arabic MASCILIANA EDITIONS | Basque EREIN | Brazil COMPANHIA DAS LETRAS |China THE WRITERS' PUBLISHING HOUSE | | Czech Republic RUNA | English PENGUIN UK | France LE TEMPS DES CERISES | Greece DARDANOS | Türkiye AYRINTI

Other titles from Mario Benedetti:

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