Nobody nothing never

Juan José Saer


What discourse can really offer the complexity of the real life? How many versions of history are possible?

At a bend in a river, some men share images and memories, between a suffocating sunset and a morning that never comes. The memory and premonition of a crime result in daily rituals whose repetition conceals the violence and the horror. A horse murderer has been stalking the region for months. The tale flows around like the currents of a river, time and memory, veering between myth and history, sensuality and politics, suspense and reflection. 

Time and space take centre stage in Nadie nada nunca (Nobody Nothing Never). The characters from El limonero real (The Real Lemon Tree) reappear and create a system that offers a specific perception of reality; the representation of language, the diffracted story, and reflections on the act of writing are some of the pillars of this novel in which the persistence of the art of narrative is reaffirmed by this leading Argentinian author.

PUBLISHED BY: Latin America SEIX BARRAL | Czech Republic RUNA | English SERPENT'S TAIL

Other titles from Juan José Saer:

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