
Eduardo Galeano


«That's what the world is. A lot of people, a sea of little fires. Each person shines with his or her own light among all the others. In the end, we are what we do to change who we are. They are two by mistake that the night corrects. The nobodies: the children of no one, the owners of nothing? The nobodies, who cost less than the bullet that kills them». «I write trying to make us stronger than the fear of error or punishment, when it comes to choosing in the eternal combat between the unworthy and the indignant».

Phrases like these that make up this anthology of Eduardo Galeano's best texts, which he himself selected, are underlined, are given as a sign of complicity, are shared, sustain a critical view of the world, but also the possibility of a utopia. Galeano's readers carry them in their memory. The pages of Amares reveal the themes that preoccupied and inspired him: the bittersweet ups and downs of love, endearing friendship and the moments of wonder that everyday life offers, but also the injustices, the vindication of those forgotten by history and the condemnation of the worst faces of the contemporary world.

Galeano speaks in this book of love in its many forms: a couple that endures or is lost, children, the country that shelters or expels, fellow travelers, writing, the gods that grant and deny, those who live on the margins. «We have been made of light, as well as carbon and oxygen and shit and death and other things, and in the end we have been here since the beauty of the universe needed someone to see it», writes Galeano. The stories of Amares, tender, revealing, personal and universal at the same time, do justice to the beauty that Galeano was determined to find in the world.


Published by: Spanish SIGLO XXI | Brazil L&PM | Greece PAPYROS PUBLISHING GROUP | Türkiye SEL YAYINCILIK

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